Refund Policy

100% Money-back Guarantee and FREE Returns.

We guarantee our product. Try our products and if you aren’t satisfied, return the unused portion within 60 days for a FULL REFUND OF YOUR PURCHASE PRICE. We will even send you a return shipping label much like Amazon does so you don’t pay anything to return your order. So if you order 200 tablets, use 50 and return 150, we will still give you a refund of your full purchase price of 200 tablets. We are confident you will be satisfied which is why we offer this return policy. We are not aware of anyone else who offers such a return policy on pharmaceutical products.

To initiate a return:

Please email us directly or through our contact page. Be sure to include what product you are returning and how much has been used, if any. Let us know why you were dissatisfied with the product. Don’t worry, this information is only used so we can improve our service and products – No return will ever be denied! Be sure to also include the following order information:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Date of order
  • Order number

*Resellers – Please note that our return policy applies to end-use customers only. If you are purchasing larger quantities for the purpose of resale, we can’t accept returns on those orders. We are not in the business of consigning goods and taking returns on goods you aren’t able to sell. Due to the nature of our products (medicine), all returns have to be discarded and cannot be resold. Our #1 goal is to keep prices low for our customers who use our medicine on a daily basis so we can’t sustain those kinds of losses. The spirit of our liberal return policy is that our customers can feel comfortable knowing we stand 100% behind our products.

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